The Greatest Love

John 17:26 (NASB1995)
“…and I have made Your name known to them, and will make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.”

The New Testament references two types of love- “agapao” and “phileo.” While phileo love is defined as a brotherly love that reflects friendship, affection, and reciprocity, agapao (English translation- agape) love is the highest expression of love. It is at the heart of Christian ethics. The New Testament has approximately two-hundred references (dependent upon the translation used) to agapao love. Though this type of love may involve emotions, it must involve action. It has been described in the following ways:

  1. volitional; 
  2. decisive;
  3. intentional;
  4. active;
  5. purposeful;
  6. forbearing;
  7. unconquerable;
  8. consciously chooses;
  9. voluntarily suffers inconvenience and discomfort for the welfare of another;
  10. daily lays down its life for the higher good of another;
  11. unconditional, without expectations of performance from the loved;
  12. extends forgiveness, mercy, and grace, and
  13. it never fails. 

16 Scriptures on Agape Love:
  • Selfless: concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one’s own; unselfish. God’s love in sending Jesus to die (perfectly atone) for our sins (John 3:16Revelation 1:5).
  • Selfless service to others in need (The Good Samaritan): helping the wounded stranger (Luke 10:25-37).
  • Sacrificial: related to giving up sometime valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy; an animal, Person, or object offered in sacrifice. Jesus willingly sacrificing Himself on the cross out of love for us (John 15:13Romans 5:8). 
  • A Gift from the Godhead: His love is Spirit poured out into us. It is not of human strength or efforts (John 17:26Romans 5:5Galatians 5:22)
  • Endures and perseveres: (1 Corinthians 13:4-8).
  • Obedient to commandments to love God, our neighbors, and our enemies: (Matthew 5:43-46Matthew 22:37-39John 15:9-10Romans 13:10Ephesians 5:1-2). 
  • Demonstrates our love for God: (1 John 4:7-8).
  • A characteristic of being His disciple: (John 13:35)

May we rely on His Holy Spirit poured within us, to conform us to Christ, and empower us to love others as we were loved before the foundations of the earth were laid. 
